Welcome to our guide on customizing the Status column in Monday.com. Track progress with tailored labels and colors. In this guide, we'll show you how to create custom statuses to better monitor and manage your projects.


Log into your monday.com account

Begin by signing into your monday.com account. If you don't have an account, you can sign up for a free trial at www.monday.com.


Access your desired board

Navigate to the board where you want to customize the Status Column.


Open the Column Settings

Click the “three-dot” icon next to the Status Column's title to open the column settings.


Edit labels, colors, and statuses

In the column settings, click "Edit labels" to open the label editor.


Customize the labels

You'll see a list of default labels in the editor.


Click on the Pencil Icon

To edit a label, click the pencil icon next to it.


Type in the Label

Type your desired label name and press Enter to save.


Customize the colors


Click on the color swatch

To change the color of a label, click the color swatch next to it.


Choose a color

Choose a new color from the palette, or enter a custom color code in the text box.


Add a new status


Click on "+"

To add a new status, click the "+" icon at the bottom of the label editor.


Enter a status

Type your desired status name, pick a color, and press Enter to save.


Delete or archive unused statuses

To delete a status, click the trash bin icon next to it.

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to customize the Status column in Monday.com. By tailoring labels and colors to your project's needs, you can monitor progress at a glance, communicate status effectively, and drive project success. Continuously refine your customizations to keep your team informed and your projects on track. Happy customizing!

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