Tooltips in Tableau are interactive text boxes that appear when you hover over a data point or mark. They can be used to display additional information about the data, such as the value, description, or calculation.


Open Tableau and Connect to Data Source

Start by opening Tableau and connecting it to your desired data source.


Import Data Fields

Drag relevant data fields from the Data pane to the Columns and Rows shelves to create an initial visualization.


Choose Visualization Type

Select the type of visualization you want, e.g., bar chart, scatter plot, etc.


Inspect Default Tooltips

Hover over the visualization to view the default tooltips.


Navigate to the Tooltip Pane

Click on the 'Tooltip' shelf in the Marks card.


Edit the Tooltip Text

Inside the Tooltip pane, you'll see the default text. Edit this text as needed.


Insert Data Fields into Tooltip

You can insert additional data fields into the tooltip text by clicking 'Insert' and selecting from available options.


Customize Text

Change the text color to make the tooltip stand out.


Set Tooltip Display Method

Choose between 'Responsive - Show tooltips instantly' or 'On Hover - Show tooltips on hover' to determine how tooltips will be displayed.


Preview the Tooltip

Hover over the visualization again to preview your customized tooltip.

By adding and customizing tooltips, you can enhance the interactivity of your Tableau dashboards and make them more informative and engaging. This can lead to improved data analysis and decision-making.

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