Learn how to use the @Mention feature in Front to directly notify team members in conversations or email threads, ensuring vital messages get prompt attention.


Log into Front and Access Your Inbox

  • Open your browser and log into your Front account.
  • Navigate to your inbox where you want to use the @Mention feature.


Open a Conversation or Email Thread

  • Choose an existing conversation or email thread where you'd like to use the @Mention feature.


Locate the Comment or Reply Box

  • Find the comment or reply box typically located at the bottom of your conversation pane.


Start Typing Your Comment or Reply

  • Click in the comment or reply box and begin to type your message.


Use @Mention for Direct Notification

  • Type the "@" symbol followed by the username of the person you wish to notify directly.


Auto-Suggest Feature

  • As you start typing the username after the "@", Front should display an auto-suggest dropdown. Choose the correct individual from this list.


Complete Your Comment or Reply

  • Finish typing your message or comment after including the @Mention.


Send the Comment or Reply

  • Click the "Send" or "Post" button to send your message or comment.


Verify Notification

  • The individual you mentioned should receive a direct notification about your comment or reply.


Edit Mention if Needed (Optional)

  • If you need to edit the @Mention, look for an edit option usually represented by a pencil icon beside your sent message or comment.

That's it! You're now equipped to use @Mention in Front effectively. Boost your team's communication and never miss an important message again.

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