Customize Deal Stages in Pipedrive to tailor your sales pipeline. Define precise steps for your sales process, enhance tracking, and boost conversions effectively.


Understanding Pipelines

A pipeline in Pipedrive symbolizes your sales workflow, outlining the steps to convert a new lead into a successful deal. It encompasses tasks such as lead qualification, communication, pitching, and closing the deal, leading to revenue generation.


Creating Your First Pipeline


Access your Pipedrive account by logging in.


Locate and select the option labeled “Pipelines,”


From the dashboard or home screen, locate and select the option labeled “Pipelines,” “Sales Processes,” or a similar term.


Configuring Pipeline Stages


Within the pipeline settings, find the option to “Create New Pipeline”


Give your pipeline a descriptive name that represents your sales process

Give your pipeline a descriptive name that represents your sales process (e.g., “Sales Pipeline,” “Client Engagement Pipeline”).


Moving Deals Through the Pipeline


Arrange the stages of your pipeline to mirror your sales process

Arrange the stages of your pipeline to mirror your sales process. Start with stages like “Lead-In” for brand new leads and progress to “Contact Made,” “Meeting Booked,” “Needs Defined,” “Proposal Sent,” and “Contract Sent.”


Emphasize past tense phrasing for stages to ensure clarity and consistency

Emphasize past tense phrasing for stages to ensure clarity and consistency. For example, “Proposal Sent” instead of just “Proposal.”


Avoiding Common Mistakes


Refrain from adding stages like “Deal Won” or “Deal Lost"


Refrain from adding stages like “Deal Won” or “Deal Lost.” Instead, use the “Won” and “Lost” buttons provided to indicate deal outcomes. These buttons help manage deals’ status effectively.


Keep your pipeline concise and clear

Keep your pipeline concise and clear, avoiding excessive stages or unnecessary complexity. Utilize stages that represent significant milestones in your sales process.


Using Filters for Clarity


Use the view options on the top right of the pipeline screen to focus on specific criteria

Use the view options on the top right of the pipeline screen to focus on specific criteria. You can select different sales reps or apply filters to narrow down your view.


Filters help you gain insights into specific segments of your pipeline

Filters help you gain insights into specific segments of your pipeline, ensuring you’re always up to date on crucial deals.

Elevate your sales game with Pipedrive's tailored deal stages. Streamline processes, track effectively, and drive more successful conversions.

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