Efficiently record and monitor accomplished tasks in Pipedrive. Elevate productivity by systematically tracking progress.


Navigate to the 'Activities' tab


Log in to your Pipedrive account


Click on the 'Activities' tab


Click on the 'Activities' tab located at the left side of the screen. This will bring you to the Activities page, where you can see a list of all your scheduled activities and log completed ones.


Add a new activity or select an existing one

o log a completed activity, you can either add a new activity by clicking the 'Add activity' button or select an existing one from your list of scheduled activities.


Fill in the activity details


f you're adding a new activity, fill in the details such as activity type, subject, date, time, and any additional notes. If you're selecting an existing activity, click on it to open the activity details window.


Mark the activity as completed

In the activity details window, click the checkbox next to 'Mark as done' to mark the activity as completed. You can also add any notes or details about the completed activity in the 'Notes' section.


Save your changes

Click 'Save' to save your changes and log the completed activity. Navigate to the "Activities List" tab and proceed to indicate the designated activity as completed by marking it done on the list.


Track your progress


To track your progress, go to the 'Dashboard' tab at the top of the screen. Here, you can see various reports and charts displaying your progress, such as the 'Activities completed' chart.


Customize your dashboard

You can customize your dashboard by adding or removing widgets to suit your needs. To add a widget, click on the '+' button at the top right corner of the dashboard and choose the desired widget from the list.

Streamline your workflow and enhance accountability with Pipedrive's activity tracking. Stay organized, stay ahead.

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