Welcome to our guide on using views like Timeline, Calendar, and Gantt to visualize data and track progress in your Monday.com board. Gain valuable insights and stay organized with diverse visualization options. In this guide, we'll explore how to leverage different views for enhanced project management.


Access your monday.com board

Begin by logging into your monday.com account and navigating to the board you want to visualize. If you haven't created a board yet, you can create a new one or use an existing template.


Add necessary columns

Make sure your board has the necessary columns for the views you want to create. For Timeline and Gantt views, you'll need date columns to define start and end dates. For Calendar view, you need at least one date column.


Open the Views Center

Click on the "Views" button located at the top left corner of your board. This will open the Views Center, where you can add and manage different views.


Add a Timeline view

In the Views Center, click the "Add View" button and select "Timeline" from the list of available views. This will create a new Timeline view for your board.


Configure the Timeline view

Once the Timeline view is added, you can configure it by clicking the “three dots” in the top right corner of the view and select “Settings”. Here, you can select the date columns for start and end dates, set the time frame, and choose to group items by certain columns.


Add a Calendar view

Back in the Views Center, click the "Add View" button again and select "Calendar." This will create a new Calendar view for your board.


Configure the Calendar view

Click the “three dots” in the top right corner of the view and select “Settings” to configure it. Here, you can select the date column to display, apply filters, and choose the starting day of the week.


In the Views Center, click the "Add View" button and select "Gantt." Note that Gantt view might require a subscription to a higher plan.

In the Views Center, click the "Add View" button and select "Gantt." Note that Gantt view might require a subscription to a higher plan.


Configure the Gantt view

Configure the Gantt view by clicking the “three dots” in the top right corner of the view and select “Settings”. Select the date columns for start and end dates, choose dependencies, and customize the view's appearance.


Switch between views

You can easily switch between different views by clicking on their respective tabs in the Views Center. This allows you to visualize your data and track progress in multiple ways, depending on your needs.

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to visualize data and track progress with various views in Monday.com. By utilizing Timeline, Calendar, and Gantt views, you can streamline project management, gain a comprehensive overview, and make data-driven decisions. Continuously experiment with different views to find the perfect fit for your team's needs. Happy visualizing!

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