Welcome to our guide on designing custom board structures in Monday.com. Create a tailored workspace for your team. In this guide, we'll show you how to use groups, columns, and items to match your specific project needs.


Log in to your monday.com account

Start by logging into your monday.com account. If you don't have an account yet, sign up for a free trial or create a new account.


Create a new board


Click on "+ New"

After logging in, click on the "+ New" button on the left sidebar.


Select "Blank Board"

Then, select "Blank Board" to create a new board from scratch.


Name your board and set privacy


Give it a name

Give your board a descriptive name that represents its purpose.


Set Privacy

You can also set the board's privacy level to either "Main" (visible to your entire team) or "Private" (visible only to invited members).


Add groups to your board

Groups are used to categorize items on your board.


Click on "+ New Group"

To add a group, click on the "+ New Group" button at the top of your board


Name your Group

Enter a name for your group


Add columns to your board

Columns represent different attributes or aspects of your items.


Click "+ Column"

To add a column, click the "+ Column" button to the right of your last column


Choose column type

Choose from the wide variety of column types available, such as "Text," "Status," "Date," "Number," "Timeline," and more.


Add items to your board

Items represent tasks, projects, or ideas on your board.


Click "+ New Item"

To add an item, click the "+ New Item" button within your group


Select Item

Type in the item's name and press "Enter."


Add Information

You can then click on individual cells in each column to add more information.


Use automations and integrations

To streamline your workflow, consider adding automations to your board.


Click on "Automations"

Click on the "Automations" button at the top of your board


Choose an Automation/Integration

Choose from a list of pre-built automations or create your own. You can also integrate your board with other apps and services by clicking on the "Integrations" button.


Share your board with team members

Invite team members to collaborate on your board by clicking the "Invite" button at the top right corner of your board. You can invite members by email or share a direct link to the board.


Adjust board settings

Customize your board further by clicking the three-dot menu next to the board name. Here, you can access board settings such as permissions, notifications, and activity logs.

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to design custom board structures in Monday.com. By leveraging groups, columns, and items, you can create a workspace that aligns perfectly with your team's workflow. Continuously refine your board structures to keep pace with your evolving project requirements. Happy designing!

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