This guide will delve deep into how to utilize these templates, ensuring that your email marketing in is not just effective but uniquely yours.


Navigate to 'Content'

From the left sidebar, select the "Content" option.


Choose Template Type

Click on 'Email Layouts' or 'In-App Messages' whether you want to create an email, push, or SMS template.


Select a Pre-built Template

Browse through the available pre-built templates and select one that fits your needs.


Customize the Template

Use the built-in editor to modify content, images, and other elements in the template. Enhance your email's relevancy by adding personalization tokens (e.g., {{customer.first_name}}).


Preview Your Template

Click on the "Preview" button to see how your email will appear to recipients.


Save Template

Once satisfied, save your template by clicking the "Save" button.


Implement in Campaigns

Head over to the "Campaigns" section and incorporate your newly created template into an email sequence.

Having walked through the essentials of using templates in, you're now equipped with the knowledge to elevate your email marketing game. Embrace the platform's versatility and remember, a tailored experience doesn't just improve open rates—it builds lasting relationships with your subscribers.

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