Welcome to our guide on creating dynamic dashboards in Salesforce. Stay informed with real-time data updates. In this guide, we'll show you how to build interactive dashboards that automatically refresh and provide up-to-the-minute insights.


Navigate to the Dashboards

Go to the Dashboards tab in Salesforce.


Select a Dashboard

Choose a dashboard with a report that you want to make dynamic.


Edit the Dashboard

Click the "Edit" button on the dashboard.


Set Dashboard Viewer Options

Under the properties, select "Let the dashboard viewer choose whom they view the dashboard as" instead of viewing it as yourself, a particular user, or whoever is viewing it.


Save the Dashboard



Click "Save" to apply the changes.


Exit edit mode

Click "Done" to exit the dashboard editing mode.


Refresh the Dashboard and Change the Viewer



Refresh the dashboard.


Switch Views

Use the "Change" button to switch between different users and view the data as if you were that person.

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to create dynamic dashboards in Salesforce. With real-time data updates, you can make informed decisions, monitor key metrics, and stay ahead of the curve. Continuously analyze dashboard performance and update components to meet evolving business needs. Keep harnessing the power of dynamic dashboards to drive success and achieve your goals. Happy analyzing!

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