Welcome to our guide on automating lead follow-up tasks using Salesforce workflows. Streamline your lead management process for better efficiency. In this guide, we'll show you how to set up workflows to automate lead follow-up tasks and enhance your sales team's productivity.


Create custom activity fields

Create two custom activity fields named “Follow-up Date” and “Follow-up Subject”. These fields will be used to track the follow-up tasks.


Create a custom Log a Call action

Go to the Opportunity object. Create a custom Log a Call action. Add the new fields “Follow-up Date” and “Follow-up Subject” to the action’s layout.


Replace the default Log a Call actio

Open the Opportunity page layout. Replace the out-of-the-box Log a Call action with your custom Log a Call action. Hit on Save.


Create a record-triggered flow

Create a record-triggered flow that generates a follow-up task if both the “Follow-up Date” and “Follow-up Subject” fields are populated. Set the flow to blank out the follow-up information on the current task once the follow-up task is created.


Activate and test your flow

Activate your record-triggered flow. Test your custom Log a Call action and the follow-up task creation process.

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to automate lead follow-up tasks using Salesforce workflows. By automating repetitive tasks, your sales team can focus on building relationships and closing deals. Continuously monitor and optimize your workflows to ensure seamless lead management and improved sales performance. Happy automating!

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