Welcome to our guide on leveraging HubSpot’s GDPR features for contact management. Ensure compliance and build trust with your audience. In this guide, we'll show you how to use HubSpot's GDPR tools to manage contact data, maintain consent, and protect user privacy.


Access HubSpot settings

Log in to your HubSpot account.

Click the "Settings" icon in the main navigation bar.


Navigate to Privacy & Consent settings

In the left sidebar menu, navigate to "Privacy & Consent."


Click the "Consent Options" tab.


Preview privacy and consent text


On this page, you can see a preview of the privacy and consent text visitors to your GDPR-enabled forms and scheduling pages will see.


Select your preferred language


In the "Current View" tab, select your preferred language from the dropdown menu.

The language for the notice and consent text will be automatically updated.


Edit the Legitimate Interest section

Click "Edit" to the right of the "Legitimate Interest" section.

In the dialog box that appears, edit the text in the text box.

Click "Save."


Edit the Privacy Policy section

Click "Edit" to the right of the "Privacy Policy" section.

In the dialog box that appears, edit the text in the text box.

Click "Save."


Edit the Consent to Communicate section

Click "Edit" to the right of the "Consent to Communicate" section.

In the dialog box that appears, edit the text in the text box.

Click "Save."

Congratulations! You've successfully learned how to leverage HubSpot’s GDPR features for effective contact management. By using these tools, you can confidently handle contact data, maintain consent, and respect your audience's privacy rights. Stay up-to-date with changing regulations and continuously communicate your commitment to data protection. Trust and compliance are essential for building strong customer relationships. Embrace the power of GDPR features to foster trust and loyalty with your audience. Happy managing!

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