Conditional formatting in Tableau allows you to change the appearance of your data based on certain criteria. This can be used to highlight outliers, draw attention to specific data points, or make your visualizations more visually appealing.


Open Your Tableau Project

Start by opening your Tableau project where you intend to apply conditional formatting.


Navigate to the “Analysis” Menu

On the Tableau toolbar, locate and click on the "Analysis" menu to explore the various options available.


Select “Create Calculated Field”

From the drop-down menu of "Analysis," choose the "Create Calculated Field" option to open the calculated field editor.


Create a New Calculated Field

In the calculated field editor, input a name for your new field and create a formula for your conditional formatting. This is where you will define the conditions to format your data.


Writing a Conditional Statement

Write a conditional statement using an IF-THEN-ELSE statement to define the rules for your conditional formatting. For instance, IF [Sales]>1000 THEN 'High' ELSE 'Low' END.


Validate the Formula

Before exiting the calculated field editor, validate your formula by clicking on the "OK" button. Tableau will notify you if the formula is valid.


Drag the Calculated Field to ‘Rows’ or ‘Columns’

Find the newly created calculated field in the “Data” pane. Drag this field to the 'Rows' or 'Columns' shelf based on where you want the conditional formatting to be applied.

By using conditional formatting, you can create more informative and engaging visualizations that help you tell a better story with your data.

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