How to Integrate SMS Messaging
Integrating SMS into your customer outreach allows you to connect with audiences on a platform that boasts a 98% open rate. From appointment reminders to special offers, SMS messaging serves multiple functions. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to successfully integrate SMS messaging into your existing platforms.
Data Integrations
From your dashboard, navigate to "Settings" and click on "Data Integrations."
Once in "Data Integrations," look for the "Integrations" section and click on it.
Search Twilio
Use the search bar in the Integrations section to find and select "Twilio."
Enter Details
After selecting Twilio, you'll be prompted to enter your API credentials and other required details. Retrieve these from your Twilio account.
Click Test and Save
After entering the details, click the "Test and Save" button.
Sync from Twilio
The final step is to sync your and Twilio accounts. Click on the 'Sync' button, and your Twilio account should now be integrated with for sending SMS messages.
Congratulations, you've successfully navigated the world of SMS integration! Now you're well-equipped to interact with your audience more effectively, boost engagement, and, ultimately, achieve your business goals. Don't underestimate the power of a text message; it could be the differentiator that sets your business apart from the competition. Start leveraging SMS messaging to its full potential today.