Welcome to our comprehensive guide on leveraging the dynamic duo of Salesforce and event platforms to streamline your event marketing efforts. Uncover effective strategies and best practices that will maximize attendance and ensure your events are a resounding success.


Create a Trello account

Go to trello.com and sign up for a new account or log in if you already have one.


Set up a Trello board

Create a new board or use an existing one for Click on the board to open it.


Add Salesforce Power-up in Trello

In the board view, click on the "Show Menu" button in the top right corner. Click on "Power-Ups" and search for "Salesforce." Click on "Add" to integrate Salesforce with Trello.


Create a Zapier account

Go to zapier.com and sign up for a new account or log in if you already have one.


Create a new Zap

In the Zapier dashboard, click on "Make a Zap" in the top left corner


Set up the trigger with Trello

Search for "Trello" and select it as the first app. Choose a trigger event (e.g., "New Member on Card") and click "Continue." Log in to your Trello account and select the board you want to use for this integration. Click "Continue" and, optionally, test the trigger.


Set up the action with Salesforce

Search for "Salesforce" and select it as the second app. Choose an action event (e.g., "Create Record") and click "Continue." Log in to your Salesforce account.


Activate the Zap

Finish configuring the Salesforce action and click "Continue." Optionally, test the action. Click "Done Editing" and activate the Zap to start syncing data between Trello and Salesforce automatically.

In conclusion, integrating Salesforce with event platforms empowers you to master the art of event marketing. With data-driven insights and seamless coordination, you can optimize your strategies and create unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impact on attendees. Get ready to elevate your event marketing game and achieve remarkable results.

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